What is CRM? Software for Managing Customer Data

August 1st, 2020

Businesses can run into challenges at every turn. Regardless of the size of a business or how many customers and clients they have, a lot goes into making things run smoothly. Work can quickly get overwhelming and out of hand, which increases the chances that mistakes will be made. Fortunately, businesses today have more resources available to help with their day-to-day operations. New software is constantly being made to help improve the way businesses run and can take on much of the time-consuming work that would normally be done manually by workers. 

If your business hasn’t utilized some of the valuable software out there, now is the time to get started. Of the software available for business, one of the most impactful is CRM. 

What is CRM Software?

CRM stands for customer relationship management. While CRM today typically refers to software used to manage a business’s customer data, any strategies used to bring in new customers and hold on to your current ones can be considered customer relationship management. Rather than collecting, analyzing, and organizing this information on your own, reliable CRM software can do it for you. CRM software contains all of your business’s information regarding your customers, including their demographics, how they interact with your business, and their buying history. 

What are the Benefits of Using CRM?

Your business depends on the relationship you have with your customers to survive. No one has to be a business expert to know that the better experience you can provide to customers, the more your business will thrive. CRM software is intended to help improve the relationships you have with your customers and give you information to provide them with the best possible service. By using CRM software, you can get easier access to the data that you need to know how to cater to your customers to make more sales now and going forward. 

Other benefits of CRM software are the same as the benefits you would get from using any other type of software. Many of us are overwhelmed with our workloads from time to time, which can not only be mentally draining for workers, but it can also cause problems for businesses. Being stressed with too much on your plate can make it easy for mistakes to happen. Workers in roles that involve customer relations can significantly benefit from this software. This can help streamline their work to reduce mistakes and take on some time-consuming, repetitive tasks so that they can continue to give great care to customers. Whenever you have the opportunity to use software to automate tasks and improve the quality of work getting done, you shouldn’t pass it up.  

Who Should Use CRM? 

CRM software is most commonly used by professionals in sales, marketing, and recruiting. Potential, current, and past customer data that is collected by CRM is incredibly useful for people in these positions. These are fields you can most often find CRM being utilized, but this software isn’t limited to only certain industries. Any business can benefit from using CRM software, and more should consider the benefits it can bring to their organization. Although all businesses can utilize CRM software, not all of them are created equal. Although all businesses can use CRMs, different fields are bound to have different needs from the software they get. There is some CRM software intended just for businesses in certain industries, so it’s important to be sure that you’re using the right one.

Management Software for Print Shops

To get the most out of using CRM software, you need one that fits your business’s needs. At shopVOX, we help print shops and other custom manufacturers build strong relationships with their customers. Our features are designed specifically for businesses in the printing industry and their unique needs. You can keep track of sales, manage your pipelines, and more to bring in more revenue for your business. 
Running a print shop can be a lot of work, but utilizing the right software can help make it easier to grow and create loyal customers. Interested in learning about how shopVOX can give your business the tools it needs to succeed? Contact us for more information.