Are You Ready to Manage your Manufacturing Shop Properly?

March 23rd, 2016

Many people like to stay comfortable. They despise change and will do much to avoid it. We have all heard business owners or staff say phrases like this, "We have always done it this way" even if their ways are not productive enough. Are you this way? I understand that people do not like change, because yes, it can be challenging and it does not always feel comfortable. But, what if change is for the better? What if change can improve your business and make your shop more organized and more manageable? The growing pains might be worth it, right? Let's take a look at what shopVOX custom shop management can do for your business:

  1. Instead of writing out quotes manually, you can create a professional looking quote sheet for your customers. This quotes can then be easily emailed to your customer and then when approved easily converted into a work order.

  2. Instead of checking in with your shop, while you are watching your son's games, to see how production is moving in your shop, you can pull up your shopVOX app on your phone or tablet and look at the electronic production board to know immediately.

  3. Instead of your sales person needing to look up pricing for a quote, they can simply input the products into shopVOX and have the calculations done for them. This is quick and fast!

  4. Instead of sorting through a filing cabinet or piles of papers looking for old or new invoices, simply pull up your customer's name and view all invoices easily!

  5. Instead of trying to figure out with your staff if you can fit a job with a specific machine tomorrow, you can look up the availability of all of your resources in shopVOX.

  6. Instead of when an employee calls out sick, having to call them to inquire about projects, you can check out the job board and other job information in shopVOX and be in the know right away.

  7. Instead of emailing back and forth designs for approval and then scanning through your emails later for the latest approval, you can send your designs through shopVOX and easily view the detailed notes and latest approval so fast.

  8. Instead of putting customers on hold when they call so you can check out their product status or balance, you can pull up their file in shopVOX and know.

  9. Instead of expecting your staff to remember their tasks and assignments, assign them in shopVOX and then keep track of whether they are done or not in shopVOX. You can send a reminder through there as well.

  10. Instead of wondering how sale leads are moving along, you can create check the sales funnel and reports to be in the know at any time.

So, do you think you are ready to finally manage your manufacturing shop properly? These 10 items are only a small idea of how incredible shopVOX is and how is can transform your shop into a more manageable business that you can be even more proud of! Check out many of shopVOX custom manufacturing software features

We know you will be impressed and may actually consider making a change. Be sure to try our 15 day free trial so you can experience the power of shopVOX yourself! It's time for change! ~ shopVOX