5 Reasons Why T-Shirt Printing Businesses Will Trend in 2020

June 11th, 2020

Many good businesses are marriages between creativity and marketing. Entrepreneurs are typically passionate about a particular subject and want to monetize it in a way that will appeal to the right kind of audience, one that will support the business long term. In 2020, there is no shortage of subjects in which people are interested. Here, we are focusing on t-shirt printing, and why this is a great industry to get into in 2020.

Think of the ubiquity of t-shirts, not just now in the 2020s, but for the past 100-plus years. Let’s face it: people love t-shirts, but the point to remember is that those people can buy t-shirts from many places, from brick-and-mortar stores to the multitude of sites they find online. You have to make your t-shirt prints stand out from your competitors.

ShopVOX’s business management software program is perfect for helping you to keep all the details together in one place. The benefits of our program will become apparent as we explore the five reasons why t-shirt printing businesses will trend in 2020.

1. Entertainment Fads

Fads, also known as crazes, are intense but ultimately time-limited periods of great enthusiasm for owning a certain product or enjoying a particular outlet of popular entertainment. In the case of a t-shirt printing business, you can capitalize on fads by printing up a whole line of shirts designed with images of those fads. Whether the fads are for movies, TV shows, books, or music, your t-shirts can show them off with creative designs that you make yourself. In 2020, there are plenty of fads going around, from Star Wars to political elections. The savviest t-shirt companies will jump onto these fad trains.

2. Customer Care

Businesses often rely on t-shirts to show their customers they care, either through giveaways or as free add-ons with orders over a certain amount. Of course, those t-shirts will be emblazoned with the name or logo of the company to make customers feel like part of the family. Companies might order such shirts from you in bulk, so if you need help managing your screen printing workflow, ShopVOX can help with that. Our software keeps track of work orders, pricing, invoices, and much more.

3. Company Branding

As a kind of add-on to the second point, t-shirts can also be used for company branding, as an advertisement for the company itself, or its product. These kinds of shirts might be sold in a company merch store and feature multiple designs from which customers can choose. T-shirt-printing businesses that have shown they can handle potentially large bulk orders, and that boast high-quality materials for the designs, will be the ones that trend in 2020.

By the way, it is certainly not out of the question to mention that t-shirt companies can also use their own products to brand for themselves. Sure, you take custom orders from outside parties, but you also produce your own designs based on your creative ambitions. These designs are a great way to brand your products. Your company’s name and logo somewhere on the shirt will go a long way toward letting people know who created this unique design. ShopVOX can help you take care of everything all at once with our print shop order management software, where you can view all the details of your orders, cash flow, and inventory.

4. Fashion

As we mentioned, t-shirts have been around for a long time, but that doesn’t mean they have to be stale and boring. People enjoy making fashion statements with their clothing. One of the primary ways you can distinguish yourself from the competition is by being unique with your t-shirt designs. From humor to pop culture, to just being plain weird with words and images, t-shirts are straightforward ways of expressing ourselves while looking trendy in the process. In 2020, with t-shirt companies virtually everywhere you look online, only the most creatively fashionable ones will stand out. So, if you want your t-shirt printing business to catch the wave of this year’s trend, get cracking on your design work.

5. Trending Hashtags

Our final point here is a kind of bookend to the first section on fads: your t-shirt business may be able to join the 2020 trend if you keep up with popular hashtags on social media. Just as customers want t-shirts from a modern company that can stay current with contemporary entertainment, so, too, do they want to be able to advertise social media hashtags on their shirts. Hashtags carry weight in 2020. They mean something beyond what their words actually say. People who use social media and know the hashtags will see them on t-shirts and make an emotional connection to them. Basically, the faster you can get a trendy hashtag onto an aesthetically pleasing t-shirt, the better off you will be among your socially conscious audience.

When you are working at great speeds to get a high-quality product out there, you may find you need a better organization to keep it all together nicely. We can help you manage your print shop workflow with the ShopVOX product. From your website’s shopping cart to your purchase orders from vendors, everything is available under one roof for you to examine any time you like.

Business Management Software from ShopVOX

Your t-shirt business may trend in 2020 for any of the above five reasons, or for any number of others. The main point is that the companies that do well in the custom t-shirt business will tend to be the ones that set themselves apart from others while staying fresh and trendy.

ShopVOX is here to help. Our business management software can become an invaluable asset to your company. You can track your orders, manage your customers’ online portal experiences, and generally do business better with our product.
Contact us with any questions about ShopVOX, and we will be happy to get in touch and consult with you about your business’s needs!