10 Tips to Motivate Sales Teams in Times of Uncertainty

May 20th, 2020

During times of normalcy, sales can be challenging. Sales teams have to navigate and remain motivated through rejections, competitors, new trends, changing demands, and slow periods.

During times of uncertainty, like an economic crisis, navigating becomes even more challenging because both sellers and customers are struggling. In these times, managers and business owners are often stressed. It's understandable that many become unmotivated.

So what can you do to encourage and motivate your sales team?

Fortunately, there are many ways to motivate your sales team.

  1. Pause: First, take a few deep breaths and pause. Sometimes in times of uncertainly, people panic and make rash decisions. It's important to pause, clear away the panic, worry, and frustration.

  2. Access: Once you steer away from the panic, you can think clearly and analyze the current situation. When you clearly understand the current issues, you can discover better solutions. What are the current struggles? What are the needs of customers? Can we ship products to overseas customers? What products will better serve the needs of our community at this moment?

  3. Adaptable marketing: During times of uncertainty, change your marketing to align with the current needs. Use appropriate keywords and phrases that appeal at the time. Use images that resonate. With better marketing, your sales team will have more leads to contact.

  4. Provide sales lead tools: What tools can help your sales team? Make sure they are using shopVOX's Sales Lead tools so they are more organized.

  5. Call forwarding: If your sales team is working remotely, forward calls from their work lines to their cellular lines. This way they don't miss any valuable calls.

  6. Team building: Continue team building. Use Zoom or other video conferencing platforms to continue team-building meetings.

  7. Keep communication open: Use Slack or another chat room to effortlessly organize conversations, share files, and collaborate better. When employees can still communicate throughout their workdays, this can help build morale and improve confidence.

  8. Create informative content: Create educational videos, interesting articles, a fun podcast or memes that help sales teams sell your products easier.

  9. Encourage self-care: Burnout happens more often during times of uncertainty. So, make sure to remind your sales teams to eat balanced meals, exercise, and take needed breaks.

  10. Website Contact Form: Place a contact form on your website that automatically transfers leads to shopVOX. This offers more leads for your sales team to work with.

When you provide tools, adaptable marketing, and encouragement to your sales team, they can be more productive and close more sales during times of uncertainty.

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